Whatsup bloggers,
I'm sitting in a coffee shop in Vermont, Carol's Hungry Mind cafe, doing some internet stuff to get ready for Italy. Getting to Ferrara is going to be INTENSE. I have to drive up to Montreal to get to the airport, since it's cheaper to fly out of Canada. Then I have a long flight over the pond where I transfer from Zurich to Milan l'aeroport. From THERE, I'm going to have to use what Italian I have (better go over my traveling vocab) To buy a train ticket where I will transfer to Ferrara through Bologna. Once I get to the Ferrara train station, it's a short 6 block trek to the hotel where orientation is set to take place. Getting myself to Ferrara with 2 bags and a backpack is going to be the biggest challenge. I like that my adventure in Italy will begin with a splash, kind of like jumping into an ice cold lake instead of wading in slowly. Who knows, maybe the airports will have a ridiculous amount of English and I'll feel almost as at home as America. The thing about this trip to Italy is that I really don't know what to expect. I'm just going to have to suck it up and roll with the punches. I'm so glad my summer was an enriching as it has been. ACT was amazing, I made a huge group of talented friends, learned a lot, and met people who have inspired me to take on any challenge with their own courage and persistence. The tranquility of Vermont has helped as a way station to prepare me for the next leg of my journey. I saw a great play, "Mauritius", by Theresa Rebeck at the Dorset Theater Festival (http://www.dorsettheatrefestival.org/). Definitely a festival to visit if you are a fan of theater and ever find yourself in Vermont. I went to a scrimmage of Middlebury HS Tiger Football this morning to get my own dose of American football I am likely to get this year : (. Here's to praying everything goes ok and my flight doesn't get canceled by Hurricane Irene.
Rowan My acting Company for the 5-week Program at ACT. My teacher was Lisa Porter (far right, green shirt) and Chris (far right, grey jacket) is the president of the summer program.